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-34% The Elder Scrolls Online Elsweyr Standard Edition Key Global

The Elder Scrolls Online Elsweyr Standard Edition Key Global

Includes The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited + Elsweyr Upgrade (DLC). Does not work on Steam




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January 15th, 2019 is the day when the masterminds behind The Elder Scrolls Online gave everyone in the gaming community something to be excited about, as the release of a new, massive DLC expansion has been announced, and it looks to be incredible! The Elder Scrolls: Elsweyr key will be in full effect on June 4th of this year, so yes, it is quite a wait, however, it’s definitely worth it! Have a look at what is coming to ESO with the release of Elsweyr!

Yes, you read that right! Dragons were a major part of Skyrim but it took quite a while for them to be introduced into ESO but they’re finally coming with Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr key. Of course, they are big and powerful, however, unlike in Skyrim, you won’t have the power of Fus-Ro-Dah and will, therefore, have to cooperate with other players and put in quite the effort to take down the largest monsters in the game to date!

According to The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr key developers themselves, Necromancers were the most requested class ever since the Beta, and finally, five years later, they are coming to ESO! As there is still quite a while to go before the DLC is actually released, we don’t know the full extent of the Necromancers kit in the game, however, one thing is for sure – they will be in there!

You may have been introduced to little bits and pieces of this land in previous expansions, however, those were only the very corners of a vast land that is home to the Khajiit race. Yes, that means you will get to meet more Khajiits as well since there will be a plethora of new characters within The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr key! The area itself is based heavily on Africa, therefore you can expect to see a lot of sand and rock formations there!

Of course, the new land will present a new story and this time Elsweyr will be at risk and you will be on a quest to save both the land and the whole Khajiit race!

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